Starting a property development business in Australia comes with many benefits, including potential high returns on investment, the ability to influence urban development, and the creation of long-term assets. 

With the right approach and strategic planning, aspiring property developers can build successful enterprises in this market. With years of experience in helping entrepreneurs start businesses in a variety of industries, we have the knowledge and expertise to guide you through the process.

First Step, Research and Planning

Understanding the Market and Identifying Opportunities

Before diving in, it’s essential to research the market thoroughly. Identify high-growth areas, understand current property trends, and analyse the demand for residential, commercial, or mixed-use developments.

Conducting Feasibility Analysis and Risk Assessments

Evaluate the potential profitability of your project through detailed feasibility analysis. Assess risks such as market fluctuations, regulatory changes, and construction challenges. 

Creating a Comprehensive Business Plan

A solid business plan outlines your vision, target market, financial projections, and marketing strategies. It serves as a roadmap for your business and is crucial for securing financing from investors or lenders. Download our free business plan template to help!

Registering Your Property Development Business

Choosing a Business Structure

A vital step when starting a property development company is choosing a business structure. In Australia, you can operate as a sole trader, a partnership, or a company. Each has its own legal and tax implications. For a property development business, operating as a company is often the most advantageous due to the limited liability it offers and its suitability for scaling the business. Find out more about setting up a company here

How to Register a Business in Australia

  • Choose and Register a Business Name: This is a name under which you will run your business. It must be unique and not infringe on existing trademarks.
  • Get an Australian Business Number (ABN): An ABN is an 11-digit number that identifies your business to the government and the community. You will need this to register for GST and to invoice clients. 
  • Register for Goods and Services Tax (GST): If your business is expected to have a turnover of $75,000 or more, you must register for GST. This is a crucial step, as it affects your billing and your tax obligations.

Find out more about when to register your business for GST.

Tax and GST Basics

Tax obligations are an inescapable part of running any business, and when you’re figuring out how to start a property development business, understanding tax basics is crucial. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Registering for GST: If your annual revenue is expected to exceed a certain threshold, you’ll need to register for Goods and Services Tax (GST). This involves charging your clients an additional percentage on your services and reporting it to the tax office. Find out more about registering your business
  • Basic tax liabilities: As a business owner, you’ll be responsible for various taxes, such as income tax, corporate tax, and payroll tax for any employees you hire. Learn how to keep up with tax payments
  • Deductions: There are numerous tax deductions available to businesses, like business-related expenses and home office costs. Make sure to take advantage of these to reduce the amount of tax you pay.

Understanding tax and GST is a complex task, and staying on top of it can help avoid any tax or financial troubles in the future.

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Unlock your business’s potential with expert accounting services

Legal and Regulatory Requirements

Understanding Property Laws and Zoning Regulations

Property development requires a thorough understanding of local property laws and zoning regulations. These laws govern land use, building codes, and environmental requirements. Making sure you have a thorough understanding of these is essential.

Obtaining Necessary Licences and Permits

Before commencing any development project, you will need to obtain the required licences and permits. These may include planning permits, building permits, and environmental approvals. Consulting with a legal advisor or town planner can help navigate these requirements effectively.

Financing Your Property Development Business

  • Exploring Different Financing Options: Financing is a key aspect of property development. Explore various options such as loans, private investors, and partnerships. Choose one that aligns with your financial strategy and risk tolerance.
  • Preparing Financial Projections and Budgets: Develop detailed financial projections and budgets. This includes estimating costs for land acquisition, construction, and marketing, as well as projecting potential income from sales or rentals. 
  • Managing Cash Flow and Securing Funding: Monitor expenses closely and ensure sufficient funding is available at each stage of development. 

Running and Growing Your Property Development Business

Now that your property development business is established, focus on building a strong team and acquiring the right properties. Hire key professionals like architects, contractors, and surveyors, and define clear roles and responsibilities within your team. Networking and industry connections are crucial for finding skilled professionals and staying updated on trends.

For property acquisition, research and evaluate potential properties, negotiate favourable terms, and conduct thorough due diligence. During development and construction, manage the process carefully, ensuring compliance with building codes and overseeing the project timeline.

Marketing is essential for selling properties. Develop a strong marketing strategy, work with real estate agents, and finalise transactions efficiently.

Ongoing management involves maintaining properties, managing tenants, and continuously expanding your portfolio. Stay updated with market trends and keep learning to grow your business successfully.

Get Started with JD Scott + Co

If you need professional assistance with accounting, business planning, or financial management, JD Scott + Co is here to help. We have a number of successful clients in property development so we understand the ins and outs of the industry. Contact us today to learn how we can support your property development journey.

Tax planning, an essential component of running a small business. For small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Australia, effective tax management is not just about compliance, it’s a strategic tool that can significantly contribute to financial success.

At its core, tax planning involves assessing business operations and financial strategies to legally minimise tax liabilities while maximising potential returns. This proactive approach ensures that SMEs can take full advantage of available tax benefits, deductions, and incentives under Australian tax law.

For small business owners, the complexity of the tax system may seem overwhelming. However, with the right information and guidance, tax planning can be integrated seamlessly into your business strategy.

Not wanting to get into the nitty gritty of taxes? Fair enough! We can take care of that for you. Give the team a call.

Understanding the Basics of SME Taxation

Key Tax Obligations for SMEs

Income Tax

All businesses pay tax on their taxable profits. The tax rate varies depending on the business structure—sole traders and partnerships are taxed at individual rates, while companies face a fixed tax rate. 

  • Standard company tax rate is 30%.
  • Small businesses (classified as base rate entities with a turnover of less than $50 million), the tax rate is 25%.

Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Businesses with an annual turnover exceeding $75,000 must register for GST. This 10% tax applies to most goods and services sold in Australia.

Pay As You Go (PAYG)

Businesses need to withhold income tax from employee wages and make regular payments to the ATO.

Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)

FBT is a tax that employers must pay on specific benefits they offer to their employees or their employees’ families. These benefits can include providing company cars, meals and event tickets etc. The current FBT rate is 47% and applies to the taxable value of the fringe benefits provided.

Tax Advantages for SMEs

Tax Deductions

SMEs can claim deductions for most business-related expenses, provided they are necessarily incurred in gaining or producing assessable income.

Capital Gains Tax Concessions

Small businesses can access several concessions on capital gains, provided they meet certain eligibility criteria.

Loss Carry-back

Businesses can offset current year profits against losses incurred in previous years, subject to certain conditions and limits.

Tax Planning Strategies for Small Businesses

Timing Expenses and Income

Expense Prepayment

Consider prepaying some expenses like rent, insurance, or subscriptions. This strategy moves the tax deduction into the current fiscal year, potentially reducing taxable income.

Deferring Income

If possible, defer income to the next fiscal year. This can be beneficial if you expect to be in a lower tax bracket or if it helps manage cash flow more effectively.

Asset Purchases and Depreciation

Immediate Write-offs

Small businesses can benefit from immediate asset write-offs for eligible purchases. This allows for full deduction in the year the asset is purchased and used.


Depreciation Schedules

Proper management of depreciation schedules can defer taxes by spreading the expense recognition over several years.

Please note for small businesses it is either depreciation or asset write off.

Superannuation Contributions

Concessional Contributions

Making concessional contributions to your superannuation can be tax deductible. These contributions are taxed at a lower rate (15%) within the super fund, offering tax advantages over standard income tax rates.

Employee Superannuation

Ensure timely payment of superannuation for employees. Superannuation contributions are tax deductible only once received by the fund, not when paid. Be aware that there can be a time lag between making the payment and it being received by the fund.

Debt Management

Business Loans

Interest payments on business loans are tax-deductible. Proper structuring of debt can improve cash flow and reduce taxable income.

Bad Debt Deduction

If certain debts are unrecoverable, considering them as bad debt can allow for a tax deduction, provided specific conditions are met.

Common Tax Deductions for Small Businesses

Optimising your tax returns involves leveraging various deductions that are commonly available to small businesses. These deductions can significantly reduce your taxable income:

Home Office Expenses

If you operate your business partly from home, you may be eligible to claim a portion of home-related expenses. This includes utilities, internet charges, and office furniture. The specific calculation method can vary, so it’s important to ensure you meet the criteria set by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

Vehicle and Travel Expenses

Travelling for your business? Costs related to business travel, including vehicle expenses, airfares, and accommodations, are deductible.

For vehicle expenses, you can choose between the logbook method or the cents per kilometre method, depending on which is more beneficial for your situation.

Employee Salaries and Super Contributions

Salaries, wages, bonuses, and super contributions made for employees are generally deductible. This includes your own salary as a business owner if your business structure allows for it (e.g., if operating as a company or a trust).

Insurance Premiums

Premiums paid for business insurance provide another opportunity for deductions. This can include public liability, professional indemnity, and workers’ compensation insurance.

Professional Services

Fees for professional services such as accounting, legal advice, and consulting are deductible when these services are used for business purposes. 

Utilising Government Incentives and Concessions

Instant Asset Write-Off

As mentioned above, instant asset write-off allows small businesses to claim immediate deductions for new or second-hand plant and equipment assets.

Research and Development (R&D) Tax Incentive

For businesses involved in innovation and development, the R&D tax incentive provides significant tax offsets for costs associated with eligible R&D activities. This incentive is designed to encourage companies to engage in potentially risky but innovative projects.

Small Business Concessions

Small businesses with a turnover of less than $50 million may access a range of tax concessions including lower company tax rates, simplified trading stock rules, and the option to account for GST on a cash basis. These concessions are intended to simplify the tax reporting process and reduce the tax burden on small businesses.

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Concessions

Small businesses can also benefit from several CGT concessions, which can exempt or reduce the capital gains from the sale of business assets. Qualifying for these concessions often requires meeting specific conditions, such as the active asset test and the $6 million net asset value test.

Loss Carry-Back

The loss carry-back rule allows businesses to offset tax paid in previous profitable years against losses made in later years. This can result in a refundable tax offset and is particularly useful in managing cash flow during periods of downturn.

Avoiding Common Tax Errors

Inaccurate Record Keeping

Poor documentation of transactions, expenses, and income can lead to missed deductions or tax penalties. Implement routine bookkeeping practices and regularly review financial records to ensure accuracy.

Missing Deadlines

Failing to meet tax filing or payment deadlines can result in fines and interest charges. Set reminders for all critical tax dates and consider using tax software that flags upcoming obligations.

Overlooking Deductions

Many small businesses fail to claim all allowable deductions due to a lack of awareness. Regularly consult with a tax professional to stay informed about what deductions and credits are available for your business.

DIY Tax Preparation

While it’s tempting to save money by handling taxes internally, complex business situations often require professional expertise. Engaging a tax accountant can prevent costly mistakes and provide strategic advice that far outweighs the cost of their services.

Ready to Elevate Your Business? Let’s Talk!

If you’re facing uncertainties in managing your tax obligations or if you’re seeking comprehensive financial planning advice, JD Scott + Co is here to assist. Our team of experts specialises in all facets of accounting and bookkeeping for SMEs, whether you need help with tax, payroll, strategic business planning, or routine financial management, we have got you covered. Contact JD Scott + Co book a consultation today.

Effective tax planning is essential for managing your tax obligations within Australia. By being proactive and understanding and utilising the strategies available, individuals and businesses can significantly reduce their tax liabilities. 

This guide offers practical advice on optimising tax benefits, while ensuring compliance with Australian tax laws. Engaging in proactive tax planning not only aids in maintaining financial health but also maximises potential savings.

Understanding Taxation in Australia

Australia’s tax system is complex, encompassing various types of taxes including income tax, Fringe benefit tax (FBT), and Goods and Services Tax (GST). Individual income tax rates vary based on the taxable income bracket, while company tax is a flat rate and trusts don’t pay any tax. This makes it critical for taxpayers to understand where they fit within this structure. 

Current Income Tax Brackets (until June 30, 2024)

  • $0 – $18,200: 0% tax rate
  • $18,201 – $45,000: 19% tax rate
  • $45,001 – $120,000: 32.5% tax rate
  • $120,001 – $180,000: 37% tax rate
  • $180,001 and over: 45% tax rate

Updated Income Tax Brackets (from July 1, 2024)

  • $0 – $18,200: 0% tax rate
  • $18,201 – $45,000: 16% tax rate (reduced from 19%)
  • $45,001 – $135,000: 30% tax rate (reduced from 32.5%)
  • $135,001 – $190,000: 37% tax rate (expanded upper threshold from $180,000)
  • $190,001 and over: 45% tax rate (increased lower threshold from $180,001)

For more detailed information on the tax brackets and rates, you can visit the Australian Taxation Office’s official page on tax rates and threshold changes.

The system allows for numerous deductions and offsets, which can significantly decrease one’s taxable income. For instance, work-related expenses and donations to registered charities are commonly claimed deductions. Understanding these components is the first step towards effective tax planning.

How To Prepare For Tax Planning

Understand Your Financial Goals

  • Define your short-term and long-term objectives such as retirement savings, property investment, or debt reduction.
  • Align these goals with your tax planning strategies to optimise benefits.

Keep Detailed Financial Records

  • Maintain organised records of all income, expenses, investments, and potential deductions.This makes it easier to identify deductible expenses and other tax benefits.

Stay Informed About Tax Laws

  • Tax legislation frequently changes, so staying informed helps you leverage new tax saving opportunities and avoid pitfalls.
  • Regularly consult resources like the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website or relevant financial news.

Utilise Technology

  • Use financial management software or apps to track your finances and categorise expenses. Many modern tools offer tax planning features that automatically highlight potential deductions and credits.

Consult with a Tax Professional

  • Work with a tax professional or accountant. Professionals can help you navigate complex tax laws, plan effectively, and ensure compliance.

Review Your Tax Plan Regularly

  • As your financial situation and tax laws evolve, regularly review and adjust your tax plan.

Prepare for Deadlines:

  • Be aware of and prepare for tax deadlines well in advance to avoid last-minute rushes.This preparation allows ample time to double-check your return for errors or overlooked deductions.

Tax Planning Strategies For Individuals

Understand Your Tax Bracket

Knowing which tax bracket you fall into can help you make informed decisions about investments, deductions, and timing of income. This awareness helps in planning actions that may move you to a lower tax bracket.

Maximise Deductions

Take full advantage of all deductions available to reduce your taxable income. This includes work-related expenses, charitable donations, and deductions for certain types of investments. Ensure you keep detailed records and receipts throughout the year to substantiate these claims.

Use Tax-Effective Investment Vehicles

Invest in tax-effective accounts like superannuation or investment bonds. Contributions to your superannuation, for example, are taxed at a concessional rate, which can be significantly lower than your marginal tax rate.

Offset Capital Gains

If you’ve made capital gains during the year, look for opportunities to offset these gains. This could involve selling underperforming investments that may realise a capital loss, which can then be used to offset the gains.

Prepay Expenses

Prepaying deductible expenses such as investment loan interest or professional subscriptions can allow you to bring forward deductions and reduce your current year’s taxable income.

Contribute to Superannuation

Consider making voluntary contributions to your superannuation to reduce your taxable income and build your retirement savings. Be mindful of the contribution caps and the extra tax benefits available for low-income earners.

Claim All Entitlements

Make sure you claim all the tax offsets and rebates you are entitled to. This could include the low and middle income tax offset, private health insurance rebate, or offsets for dependents.

Review Your Health Insurance

If you earn above a certain income threshold and do not have adequate private health insurance, you might be liable for the Medicare Levy Surcharge. Purchasing appropriate private health coverage can avoid this surcharge.

Seek Professional Advice

Tax laws can be complicated and are subject to change. A qualified tax professional can provide qualified expert advice, ensuring you are both compliant and optimising your tax outcomes.

Common Tax Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

When it comes to filing taxes, it’s crucial to be thorough and precise. Many taxpayers fall into traps that could easily be avoided with better preparation and understanding.

Reporting All Income is Essential: One common oversight is failing to report all income. This includes all sources, such as earnings from freelance work, foreign income, or any side businesses. The consequences of omitting income can be severe, ranging from penalties to audits.

Maximising Deductions and Credits: Another area where taxpayers miss out is in claiming deductions and credits. It’s not just about claiming them but making sure you’re fully eligible for what you claim. For instance, while many know to claim a home office deduction, they might not meet the strict requirements that define what constitutes a home office.

The Importance of Accurate Records: Keeping detailed records is not just good practice; it’s a necessity. Accurate records support the claims made on your tax returns, such as deductions for business expenses or charitable donations. Without proper documentation, you may lose out on valuable deductions or face challenges if audited.

Timeliness Matters: Filing taxes late can lead to unnecessary penalties and interest charges. Setting reminders for tax deadlines and preparing your documents in advance can help avoid these last-minute rushes.

Professional Guidance Can Help: Particularly for those with complex financial situations, professional advice can be invaluable. 

JD Scott + Co for Stress Free Tax Planning

Ready to streamline your tax planning? Reach out to the expert accountants at JD Scott + Co today to take the stress out of tax. Let us help you maximise your benefits and minimise the complexities of tax laws effectively. Contact us today and take the first step towards a more secure financial future!

An SMSF, or Self-Managed Superannuation Fund, is a superannuation fund where the member or members make all of the investment decisions themselves (hence “self-managed”). Unlike traditional superannuation accounts where your contributions are invested as the fund you’re registered with chooses, an SMSF allows you to guide your own investment decisions, giving you the ability to decide where your super is invested. This means more flexibility in investment strategies and potentially lower overall costs. SMSFs can have up to six members and they are regulated by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). 

SMSFs can be a great choice for those looking to take control of their retirement. That being said, they require more work and commitment than traditional super funds. So is an SMSF right for you? What are the pros and cons? How do you set one up? Let’s take a closer look.

Is an SMSF Right for You?

To determine whether an SMSF is right for you, let’s look at some pros and cons. 


More Control Over Your Investment Strategies

With an SMSF, you have control of the investment strategies. This includes a wide choice of investment options such as property, shares, crypto and fixed income products.


An SMSF can be cost-effective, especially for larger balances, usually around the $300,000 mark. This is because the costs of running an SMSF are relatively stable, so as the SMSF grows, the cost to benefit ratio improves. 

Tax Advantages

SMSFs offer significant tax advantages by allowing members to control the timing of realised capital gains, avoiding taxes until assets are sold, unlike public offer funds.

Estate Planning

SMSFs provide greater flexibility in estate planning. Members can more precisely direct how and to whom their superannuation benefits are distributed upon death, which can be a crucial consideration for many trustees.

Pooling of Resources

By allowing up to six members, SMSFs enable families to pool their resources to achieve investment diversity or purchase significant assets like property that may otherwise be out of reach.


Complex Regulations and Compliance

Running an SMSF requires navigating complex legal and tax regulations. Trustees are responsible for ensuring the fund complies with all applicable superannuation and tax laws, which can be both time-consuming and challenging.

Investment Risk

SMSF trustees bear the sole responsibility for their investment choices. Poor investment decisions can significantly impact the retirement savings of all fund trustees, and there’s no access to compensation schemes for fraud or theft.

Time and Knowledge

Managing an SMSF requires a significant time investment and a good understanding of financial and legal matters. Trustees must be prepared to keep up-to-date with changing regulations, manage investments, and maintain accurate records.

Insurance Considerations

SMSFs need to separately arrange for life, total and permanent disability, and income protection insurance for their members, which might be more complex and potentially more costly than insurance offered by public super funds.

The Verdict

An SMSF might be right for you if you want more control over your investments and believe you have the financial literacy to achieve better returns. Another factor to consider is if your superannuation balance has grown to a point where the benefits of managing your own fund justify the time and cost involved. It’s important to remember the cons however and only choose to start an SMSF if you are willing to take on the risks. If you need assistance or want to find out more, contact us today.

How to Set Up an SMSF

If you think an SMSF is right for you, then here are the steps you need to take to set one up for yourself. 

Consider Appointing Professionals to Help You

Establishing an SMSF is a significant financial decision requiring expertise in accounting, tax, and superannuation law. JD Scott + Co can provide the necessary guidance and support, helping you navigate the complexities of SMSF setup and ongoing management. Contact us today to find out more. 

Choose Individual Trustees or a Corporate Trustee

Decide whether your SMSF will be managed by individual trustees or a corporate trustee. Each option has its legal and administrative implications. Be sure to choose the right structure for your circumstances and long-term goals.

Appoint Your Trustees or Directors

Once you’ve decided on the trustee structure you need to appoint the trustees or directors. Take care with this step as trustees hold the legal responsibility for the fund’s management.

Create the Trust and Trust Deed

An SMSF is a type of trust, and so requires a trust deed. This document outlines the fund’s objectives, membership rules, and operational procedures. 

Check Your Fund is an Australian Super Fund

To receive tax concessions, your SMSF must meet the definition of an Australian super fund for the entire financial year. This involves ensuring the fund is established in Australia, and the central management and control are ordinarily in Australia.

Register Your Fund and Get an ABN

Your SMSF needs to be registered with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to get an Australian Business Number (ABN). This step is crucial for tax purposes and for your fund to be recognized as a legitimate super fund.

Set Up a Bank Account

Your SMSF needs a unique bank account to receive contributions and income and pay expenses. Ensure it’s separate from personal and business accounts and properly registered to safeguard members’ benefits.

Get an Electronic Service Address

An electronic service address (ESA) is needed to receive electronic messages and notifications, a requirement for the SuperStream system. This ensures the efficient and secure transfer of information. It is usually integrated into the superannuation administration software you choose.

Prepare an Exit Strategy

While it may seem premature at the setup stage, having an exit strategy is crucial. This includes understanding the processes and implications of winding up the fund should circumstances change.

Contact Us to Get Holistic SMSF Accounting Services

If you’re ready to take charge of your retirement savings and can handle the rules and management involved, an SMSF could be a good choice. JD Scott + Co can help make setting up and running your SMSF simpler. So if you want clear, expert advice, contact us today. 

An SMSF gives you the ability to choose how your superannuation savings are invested, providing greater flexibility and control over your financial future. But setting an SMSF up can be tricky. 

Let’s take a look at how to set up an SMSF, going through the process step by step. 

1. Consider Appointing Professionals to Help You

Setting up and managing a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) requires careful consideration. Working with a team of professionals means your fund is established in compliance with relevant regulations and positioned for success.

Here are a few different types of professionals you might want to engage. 


An SMSF accountant can help set up your fund and, once operational, prepare your fund’s accounts and operating statements.

Fund Administrator

A fund administrator can assist with administrative tasks during the startup phase and help you manage the day-to-day running of your SMSF once established. There are specialist administration firms who just do SMSF administration. However, for a more comprehensive package, including tax planning, your accountant would be best to fulfil this role. 

Legal Practitioner

A legal practitioner can prepare and update your fund’s trust deed, ensuring it aligns with current legislation.

Financial Advisor

A financial advisor can help you develop an appropriate investment strategy and provide guidance on various investment and insurance products suitable for your SMSF.

SMSF Auditor

You’ll need an approved SMSF auditor to audit your fund annually, as required by law.

Tax Agent

A tax agent can complete and lodge your SMSF’s annual return, offer tax advice, and represent you in dealings with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

Having the right team around you from the outset will give you greater peace of mind as you take control of your retirement savings.

2. Structure Your SMSF

There are two structures to choose from when looking at SMSFs: one governed by individual trustees, and one by a corporate trustee:

Individual Trustees

If you opt for individual trustees, each member of your SMSF must also be a trustee, and vice-versa. This structure is common for funds with 2 to 6 members. A notable restriction is that a member cannot be an employee of another member, unless they are related. Additionally, some state and territory laws limit the number of trustees a trust can have to fewer than 6, which could impact your SMSF depending on your location.


  • No ASIC fees for establishment or ongoing administrative requirements.
  • Simpler and less costly to establish compared to a corporate trustee.


  • Changing trustees requires changing the titles of the SMSF’s assets, which can be costly and time-consuming.
  • If super laws are breached, penalties are levied on each trustee individually.

Corporate Trustee

A corporate trustee involves establishing a company to act as the trustee for the fund, with each member being a director of that company. This structure is also suitable for 2 to 6 members.


  • Simplifies the management of fund assets, especially when changing members.
  • Offers limited liability protection, providing a layer of security against potential lawsuits.
  • Continuity of the fund is more secure in the event of a member’s death or incapacity.


  • Higher initial setup costs due to ASIC registration fees.
  • Annual review fees apply, which vary depending on whether the corporate trustee undertakes roles other than managing the super fund.

Cost Considerations

Choosing a corporate trustee generally involves higher initial costs but can lead to simpler and potentially cheaper management of the fund in the long term, especially regarding asset registration and membership changes.

Ownership and Separation of Fund Assets

Both structures require that the fund’s assets are registered in the trustees’ names and kept separate from personal assets. However, a corporate trustee provides easier management of asset titles since the corporate entity remains constant, even with membership changes.

Penalties and Compliance

Compliance is critical in managing an SMSF. Breaches of super laws can lead to significant penalties, whether financial or administrative. Individual trustees face penalties individually, while a corporate trustee faces them as a single entity, which can simplify the resolution of breaches.

Succession Planning

Continuity and succession are more streamlined under a corporate trustee structure. The death or incapacity of a member affects an SMSF less when a corporate trustee is involved, ensuring smoother transition and control of the fund’s assets.

3. Choose Your Directors or Trustees

Let’s look at the steps to choose and appoint your trustees or directors.

Trustee and Director Consent

An SMSF is built on the consent and eligibility of its trustees or directors. Each trustee or director must formally consent to their appointment in writing and sign a Trustee Declaration within 21 days of their appointment.

Key Steps

  1. Eligibility Check: Verify that potential trustees or directors are not disqualified persons. This means they should not have been convicted of dishonest conduct, issued with a civil penalty order, be bankrupt or insolvent, or have been previously disqualified by the ATO or APRA.
  2. Consent and Declaration: Each appointed trustee or director must consent in writing to their appointment and sign the Trustee Declaration confirming they understand their duties.
  3. Record Keeping: Maintain these consent forms and declarations on file for the duration of the SMSF’s existence and for ten years after it winds up.
  4. Director Identification Number (DIN): For corporate trustees, each director needs to obtain a DIN from the Australian Business Registry Services. This is a unique and permanent identifier necessary for all directors in Australia.

Who Can Be a Trustee or Director?

  • Age: Must be 18 years or older and not under any legal disability, such as mental incapacity.
  • Legal Status: Must not be an undischarged bankrupt or under external financial administration.
  • Background: Must not have a history of dishonesty, such as fraud or theft, which resulted in conviction or a civil penalty order.

For members under 18, a parent, guardian, or legal personal representative may serve as a trustee or director on their behalf.


Being a trustee or director comes with significant responsibilities:

  • Act honestly in all matters concerning the fund.
  • Always act in the best interests of all fund members.
  • Manage the fund separately from your own affairs.
  • Ensure compliance with all relevant laws and bear the ultimate responsibility for the fund’s actions.

Legal Personal Representatives

In cases where a member cannot act (due to minority, disability, or death), a legal personal representative can act as a trustee or director. However, they cannot serve on behalf of a disqualified person.

Trustee Declaration

This declaration is crucial as it serves as a formal acknowledgment by the trustees or directors of their understanding of the obligations involved in running an SMSF. It’s essential that this declaration is completed and signed within the prescribed time frame.

4. Create a Trust and Trust Deed

The next step is creating a trust and trust deed.

Establishing a Trust for SMSF

An SMSF is a form of a trust. The creation of this trust involves the following:

1. Selecting trustees or Corporate Trustee

  • The trust must have trustees, which can either be individuals or a corporate entity acting as a single trustee, as outlined above.

2. Outlining the governing Rules (Trust Deed)

  • The trust deed is the legal document that outlines the operation and governance of the fund. It sets the foundation for how the SMSF operates.

3. Establishing assets

  • An initial asset is required to establish the trust legally. This is often a nominal amount, such as $10, which is attached to the trust deed.

4. Identifying Beneficiaries

  • The beneficiaries of an SMSF are its members. They must be clearly identified in the trust deed.

Drafting the Trust Deed

The trust deed details the rules under which the fund will operate and how it will serve its members. Here’s what you need to include and consider in the trust deed:

Key Elements of a Trust Deed:

  • Objective of the Fund: This includes the purpose of the SMSF, mainly to provide retirement benefits.
  • Membership Eligibility: Defines who can be a member of the SMSF.
  • Types of Benefits: Specifies whether benefits are paid as a lump sum, income stream, or both.

Legal Requirements:

  • Competent Preparation: The trust deed must be prepared by someone with the appropriate legal expertise to ensure compliance with current laws.
  • Signatures: All trustees or directors of the corporate trustee must sign and date the deed.
  • Proper Execution: The deed must be executed in accordance with the relevant state or territory laws.
  • Regular Reviews: The trust deed should be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary to accommodate changes in the law or the circumstances of the members.

Allocating Assets

To formally establish the trust, assets must be allocated for the benefit of the members. Initially, a nominal consideration (such as $10) is used during the setup phase. This amount is treated as a contribution and should be allocated to a member’s account within the fund. This is crucial for the legal registration and operation of the SMSF.

Special Considerations for Contributions:

If a member is over 65 or fails the work test and cannot make contributions, administrative discretion allows for a nominal contribution to be made on their behalf solely for the purpose of registering the SMSF.

5. Check Your Fund Qualifies as an Australian Super Fund

Ensuring that your Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) qualifies as an Australian super fund is crucial. Here’s how to meet these criteria.

Fund Residency Conditions

To qualify as an Australian super fund, your SMSF must satisfy all three of the following residency conditions:

1. Establishment in Australia

  • Your SMSF is considered to have been established in Australia if the initial contribution used to set up the fund was paid and accepted within Australia.
  • Alternatively, the SMSF can qualify if at least one of its assets is located in Australia.

2. Central Management and Control in Australia

  • The central management and control of your SMSF must ordinarily be in Australia. This refers to where the strategic decisions and high-level duties are regularly carried out. Key activities include:
    • Formulating the investment strategy.
    • Reviewing the fund’s performance. 
    • Managing any reserves prudently.
    • Deciding on the use of assets for member benefits.
  • An SMSF can temporarily have its central management and control outside of Australia for up to two years without affecting its residency status. However, if the central management and control is permanently located outside Australia, the fund will fail this condition.
  • If you’re thinking about relocating overseas for a period of time, make sure you discuss this with your accountant or tax advisor.

3. Active Member Condition

  • The SMSF either has no active members, or its active members are Australian residents who hold at least 50% of:
    • The total market value of the fund’s assets (attributable to super interests).
    • The total sum that would be payable to these members if they decided to leave the fund.

What Happens if Members Go Overseas?

Planning Extended Stays Abroad

  • If any of your SMSF members plan to go overseas for an extended period, you should seek professional advice to ensure the fund continues to meet the Australian residency requirements.

Contributions by Non-Residents

  • Members who become non-residents during their time abroad should consider making or receiving super contributions through a retail or industry super fund instead of their SMSF. They can then transfer these contributions back to their SMSF upon returning to Australia and regaining their resident status.

If Residency Conditions Fail

  • If your SMSF fails to meet the residency conditions, you should consider rolling over the funds to a resident regulated super fund and winding up the SMSF to avoid it becoming non-complying, which can have significant tax implications.

6. Register Your SMSF and Get an ABN

Registering your Self-Managed Super Fund and obtaining an Australian Business Number (ABN) is a crucial step in setting up your fund properly. Here’s how to do it.

Before You Register

Before applying for registration, ensure that:

  • You have appointed your trustees or set up a corporate trustee.
  • The trust has been properly established with an initial asset transferred.
  • The fund qualifies as an Australian super fund.
  • The company (if used as a corporate trustee) is eligible to act.

Registering Your SMSF

Once the above requirements are met, you can register your SMSF within 60 days of its establishment by applying for an ABN. During this process, you should also:

  • Request a Tax File Number (TFN) for the fund.
  • Opt for your fund to be regulated by the ATO. Without this, your fund won’t receive tax benefits, and employers can’t claim deductions for their contributions.
  • Consider whether you need to register for Goods and Services Tax (GST), which is necessary if your SMSF’s annual GST turnover exceeds $75,000.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Ensure the SMSF trust is correctly set up before applying for an ABN.
  • Double-check that all member, trustee, or director details are accurate and complete.

What You Need for Your Application

When filling out the application, you will need:

  • The SMSF’s name as it appears in the trust deed.
  • The date the SMSF was established.
  • Bank account details where the SMSF’s transactions will occur.
  • An Electronic Service Address (ESA) for handling rollovers and contributions.

Updating Your Details

Keep your SMSF’s details up to date to facilitate smooth operations. Notify the ATO of any changes through your registered agent, online services, or by phone.

Checking Your Registration Status

Once registered, you can check the status of your SMSF’s ABN:

  • ABN Lookup: Shows the current status of your ABN.
  • Super Fund Lookup: Reflects the registration status with the ATO, important for employers and other super funds transferring benefits to your fund.

Handling Delays and Issues

Registration might be delayed if:

  • Pre-registration steps are incomplete.
  • The identity of associates can’t be confirmed.
  • There are concerns about the trustees’ or directors’ capability to manage the SMSF.

Be proactive in addressing any issues the ATO may raise to avoid lengthy delays.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure your SMSF is properly registered and compliant, ready to operate effectively within the regulatory framework.

7. Set Up the Bank Account for Your SMSF

Your SMSF needs a bank account. Here’s how to set up and maintain the bank account for your SMSF.

Why Your SMSF Needs a Bank Account

An SMSF requires a unique bank account to:

  • Manage daily operations and transactions.
  • Receive contributions from members or employers.
  • Accept rollovers from other superannuation funds.
  • Collect income generated from investments.
  • Pay out the fund’s expenses and liabilities.

SMSF Bank Account Requirements

Choosing the Right Account

Ensure that the bank account you open for your SMSF:

  • Is registered under the SMSF’s name.
  • Has an Australian Business Number (ABN) linked to it once your fund is registered.
  • Is unique to your SMSF and not shared with any personal or other business accounts to safeguard your members’ retirement benefits.

Maintaining Separation

It’s essential to keep the SMSF’s bank account separate from:

  • The trustees’ personal bank accounts.
  • Any business accounts of related employers.

Record Keeping

While a separate bank account for each member is not required, detailed records for each member’s contributions, earnings, and benefits must be meticulously maintained. This helps in accurate reporting and ensures each member’s entitlements are clearly documented and traceable.

Notifying Changes to Your Fund’s Bank Account

How to Notify

You can update or notify changes to your fund’s bank account through:

  • A registered agent.
  • Online services for business.
  • Direct communication with the ATO via phone at 13 10 20.
  • Lodging a SMSF Annual Return (SAR).

Alert System

The ATO sends alerts via email or text message when changes are made to your SMSF’s bank account details. If you receive an alert without prior knowledge of changes, it is critical to contact the ATO immediately to ensure no unauthorised changes have been made.

If You Suspect Fraud

Vigilance Over Access

As an SMSF trustee, ensure that only authorised persons have access to the SMSF bank account. Regularly review and confirm the list of individuals who have third-party authority or are signatories on the account.

Immediate Action

If you suspect any fraudulent activity such as unauthorised access or transactions:

  • Report immediately to your bank.
  • Review and secure your bank account details.
  • Remove unauthorised persons who might have access to the account.

8. Acquire an Electronic Service Address

Your Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) must have an Electronic Service Address (ESA). Here’s how to acquire one.

What is SuperStream?

SuperStream is a standard for processing superannuation data and payments electronically. It aims to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of the superannuation system by requiring electronic transactions. For SMSFs receiving employer contributions or managing rollovers, using SuperStream is mandatory.

Why Your SMSF Needs an ESA

An Electronic Service Address (ESA) is a unique internet address (distinct from an email address) used specifically for receiving SuperStream data. This address is necessary for your SMSF to:

  • Receive contributions from employers not related to the SMSF trustees.
  • Handle rollovers of super to or from your SMSF.

How to Acquire an ESA

Choose a Provider

You can obtain an ESA through:

  • Your SMSF administrator, if they provide one.
  • A registered SuperStream message solution provider. These providers are equipped to handle the data requirements of SuperStream and can ensure that your SMSF is compliant.

Update Your SMSF Records

Once you have your ESA, it is crucial to update your records with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO):

  • Notify the ATO of your new ESA by updating your details through the Online services for business, via a registered agent, or by calling the ATO.

Provide Your ESA to Employers

Employers making contributions to your SMSF will need:

  • Your Australian Business Number (ABN).
  • Your SMSF’s bank account details (BSB and account number).
  • Your SMSF’s Electronic Service Address (ESA).

Ensuring Compliance with SuperStream

To ensure your SMSF complies with SuperStream:

  • Verify that your ESA provider is approved and capable of handling SuperStream data and payments.
  • Keep all your SMSF details, including ABN and bank account information, current and accurate to avoid processing delays.

9. Prepare an Exit Strategy for Your SMSF

Even when setting up your Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF), you should plan for its eventual wind-up. Here’s how to prepare an exit strategy that takes into account various scenarios that might necessitate ending the fund.

Components of an Effective SMSF Exit Strategy

1. Accessibility of Records and Accounts

  • Ensure that all trustees have access to the SMSF’s records and electronic transaction accounts. This accessibility helps in seamless management and decision-making, especially if one trustee becomes unable to fulfil their duties.

2. Incorporate Wind-up Clauses in the Trust Deed

Your fund’s trust deed should include specific clauses that activate during certain events, such as the death or incapacity of a trustee. These clauses can dictate how the fund should proceed, potentially simplifying the wind-up process.

3. Binding Death Benefit Nominations

  • Encourage members to make binding death benefit nominations and renew them every three years to ensure that benefits are distributed according to the members’ wishes in the event of their death.

4. Enduring Power of Attorney

  • Encourage members to appoint an enduring power of attorney. This allows someone they trust to manage their affairs if they become incapacitated, ensuring that their interests in the SMSF are looked after.

5. Consider the Costs of Winding Up

  • Be aware of the potential costs involved in winding up an SMSF. These can include legal fees, accounting fees, and costs associated with selling assets. Planning for these costs can prevent financial strain when the fund needs to be dissolved.

6. Regular Reviews and Updates

  • Regularly review and update your exit strategy to address changes in the fund’s situation or in superannuation laws. Staying current ensures that the strategy remains effective and relevant.

JD Scott + Co Is Here to Help

At JD Scott + Co, we specialise in providing seamless Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) setup services

Our expertise is tailored to meet the unique needs of Australians seeking to establish their own SMSFs. We offer a streamlined and professional service to ensure your superannuation fund is not only compliant with Australian regulations but also structured effectively for your financial future. So if you’re in need of an SMSF accountant, contact us today. 

If you’re a personal trainer and want to try running your own gym or you’re just a fitness enthusiast with an entrepreneurial mindset, this article will walk you through everything you need to know about how to start a gym. 

Step 1: Research and Validate Your Idea

Step one for any business venture should be to research and validate your idea. Gyms have a large upfront capital investment, so understanding why people will buy from you and not someone else is critical to making your gym a success. Here’s where to start.

Market Research

Begin with market research. What market need are you trying to meet? Analyse the local market, identify potential customers’ needs, and evaluate your competition. Stay updated with current trends. Familiarise yourself with local regulations. This information will guide your business plan (more on this later), cost estimates, and revenue projections. Proper research reduces risks and positions your gym for success. 

USPs (Unique Selling Points)

There are thousands of gyms across Australia, what makes yours different? It could be a boutique offering, with personalised service at a higher price point, or a budget-friendly option that caters to everyone. What specialist expertise do you bring to the table? Do you want to build a simple, no frills gym, or a holistic wellness centre? Drafting up and understanding your own USPs will guide all other aspects of your business. 

A good understanding of your USPs will also form the basis of your marketing plan. If you understand who you are trying to cater to, creating a marketing message becomes a whole lot simpler. You can identify communication channels and messaging opportunities with more precision. 

Operating Hours

Many gyms operate 24/7 in today’s market. This can be a bonus to potential customers, but will increase your operating costs significantly due to increased staff, security, and utility bills. Whether your gym should open 24 hours a day depends on your client base, location, and the type of gym. If you’re opening a gym that will make significant revenue from running classes, you probably don’t need to be open 24 hours a day. Conversely, if your gym will mostly be for basic weight training, opening 24/7 is wise to remain competitive. 

Location, Location, Location

Location is a vital consideration when opening your gym. The location determines the visibility, accessibility, and potential customer base of your gym. Here are some factors to consider:

  1. Size and layout: Enough space to accommodate equipment, workout areas, changing rooms, and potential classes.
  2. Zoning and permissions: The property must be zoned for commercial or business use and should allow for a gym or fitness centre operation.
  3. Accessibility: Easy access, proximity to public transport and major roads, and ample parking facilities are key. 
  4. Infrastructure: Adequate electrical, plumbing, and ventilation systems to support gym operations.
  5. Safety: A secure location with minimal safety hazards. Check for any structural issues or needed repairs.
  6. Future expansion: Space or options to expand if the gym grows in membership or services.
  7. Visibility: Located in a high footfall area or main road for increased visibility and potential walk-in clients.
  8. Lease terms: Understandable and favourable lease terms, including rent, duration, and any restrictions.
  9. Atmosphere: The overall feel of the property. Industrial spaces might offer a modern feel, while more traditional commercial or retail properties provide a polished look.
  10. Cost: Ensure the property fits within your budget, considering not just the rent but also renovation and maintenance costs.

A strategic location can greatly influence member acquisition and retention rates. It’s not just about finding a place; it’s about securing the right place for your gym’s success.

Step 2: Create a Financial Plan

There’s no getting around it: starting a gym costs a lot of money upfront. Creating a detailed financial plan makes you aware of initial costs and projects revenue and return in the future. Here is what to include. 

Initial Costs

Your upfront capital spending includes: 

  • Gym equipment
  • Fit out
  • Signage
  • Setting up the reception area 
  • Small consumables like towels, hand sanitiser, and wet wipes

Ensure you accurately estimate these initial costs to start your gym on a solid financial foundation. You may want to start considering financing options, including leasing and borrowing, to fund the initial purchase of equipment (more on this later).

Revenue Projections

Revenue is calculated as a function of the number of clients you expect to have, multiplied by the amount you charge. Your charges may be a recurring subscription package, a per gym visit, charges for classes, or a combination of all of the above. This will be driven by the research into your target market. A premium product may have less clients but charge a higher rate, whereas a budget product will be the opposite. You also need to consider your capacity limitations; what is the maximum number of people you can service at any point in time? Let’s look at a brief example. 

You project you will have 150 members at a membership cost of 20 dollars a week, then the monthly revenue from memberships would be 150 (number of members) x 20 (weekly price) x 4 (number of weeks in a month) = $12,000 

You will also run weekly yoga classes which are free for members but $15 per session for non-members. The classes are always full and are capped at 30 people, with a 50/50 split of non-members and members. So on top of memberships you also get 15 (dollar price per session) x 15 (number of non-members paying for the session) x 4 (number of classes per month) = $900

And finally, you offer one-off day passes to non-members at $10 a session. On average, in a month, you sell 20 one-off passes, adding an additional $200 to your monthly revenue. 

So, based on these calculations your monthly revenue from memberships, yoga classes, and day passes come to 12,000 + 900 + 200 = $23,000. 

This is of course a simplified version, but should give you some idea. 

Calculate Expenses  

Your direct expenses are those costs directly involved in running the business. For example, employing trainers to run a class is a direct cost of those classes. 

Your indirect costs (also called overheads) are the rest of the costs you will incur. The biggest of these will be rent and also includes electricity and water, administration costs, legal and accounting and don’t forget about insurance. This is especially important for a gym and to limit your risk.

So, if your direct expenses total $6,000 dollars per month, and your indirect costs come to $4,000 then your total expenses come to $10,000 per month. 

Calculating Projected Net Profit

Calculating your projected net profit is very simple, you just subtract your total expenses from your total revenue. So, subtract the $10,000 in total expenses in our example from the $23,000 in total revenue, and you’re left with $13,000 in net profit per month. This is the money you can use to pay yourself a wage and reinvest in the business. 

Always be prepared for unexpected costs; having a contingency fund is advisable. Understanding and managing your finances effectively is the backbone of any successful business. Contact JD Scott + Co to help with your financial planning today. 

Step 3: Write a Business Plan

It’s now time to bring together all your research into a written plan. A business plan outlines your vision, goals, and the strategies to achieve them. Detail the market research you’ve performed, USPs, and target audience. Include your financial projections, covering costs, revenues, and profitability. This document is not just for initial planning; it’s a reference to keep your business on track. 

If seeking external funding, a well-drafted business plan is essential to demonstrate the viability and potential of your business to investors or lenders. Not sure where to start? Download our free business plan template.

Step 4: Understand Your Legal and Financial Obligations

As with starting any business, you need to understand the legal and financial obligations with starting a gym. 

Choose Your Business Structure

Your choice of business structure influences your liabilities, tax obligations, and growth prospects. Here’s a brief overview:

  • Sole trader: This means operating under your personal name. This structure is straightforward and inexpensive but places all legal and financial responsibilities on you.
  • Partnership: If you’re opening the gym with someone else, this structure splits the responsibilities. Both partners share financial and legal obligations.
  • Company: This structure gives you liability protection and a lower tax rate of 25%. However, it also incurs more complex legal and tax obligations. If you choose this option, you’ll also need a Director Identification Number.

Dig deeper into choosing the right business structure.

Starting as a sole trader and transitioning later to a partnership or company is also feasible. For insights on this transition, refer to our PDF guide on switching from a sole trader to a company, which also highlights potential tax implications.

Tax and GST Foundations

Taxes are unavoidable. Key points to understand when starting a gym are:

Registering for GST: Should your annual revenue surpass a specified threshold, you must register for Goods and Services Tax (GST). This means adding an extra charge to your services and relaying it to the tax department. Find out more about the specifics of registering your gym.

Core tax obligations: Owning a gym means handling taxes like income tax, corporate tax, and, if you employ staff, payroll tax. 

Deductions: Many tax deductions are available, from gym equipment expenses to utilities. Capitalise on these to minimise your tax deductions.

Grasping the intricacies of tax and GST can be challenging, but being proactive ensures you steer clear of potential pitfalls down the road.

Step 5: Financing Your Gym

There are a few different ways to finance your gym. You do not need to choose just one; most people use a combination. 

  • Personal Savings: Using your personal savings means no interest, no paybacks. Yet, if things don’t work out, you’ll have nothing to fall back on. 
  • Bank Loans: Bank loans are the most common funding source for gyms. If applying for a loan, make sure you have a well-written and detailed business plan. 
  • Investors: Investors are also an option when opening your gym. This includes venture capitalists or angel investors. Remember, in return for their capital, they’ll usually want equity.
  • Grants: Australia offers many grants and financial programs, especially for small businesses. You can use the grants and programs finder to see if there’s one relevant to you.

Step 6: Getting Ready to Open

Once you’ve completed the above, you’re nearly ready to open. Here are some final things to do before opening your gym:

Define Your Team Structure

Employees or contractors: Decide between full-time trainers or specialised part-time instructors. Understand their legal and tax implications.

Legal hiring requirements: Meet all legal standards, including wage laws and superannuation. JD Scott & Co can assist with payroll specifics.

Market Your Gym

  • Branding: Define your gym’s identity, including mission and values.
  • Website: Essential for class schedules, trainer details, and member bookings.
  • Social media: Generate interest and share class information, health tips, and member promotions. 
  • Networking: Attend fitness events, collaborate with local businesses.
  • Direct mail: Send offers to local residents to increase membership.
  • Public relations: Engage local media for gym promotion and events.
  • Partnerships: Collaborate with related health and fitness entities for mutual benefits.

Always remember that marketing your gym requires a blend of showcasing facilities, expertise, and your USPs. 

Track your Progress

Once you’re up and running you need to continue to monitor progress.Some key things you want to keep track of include:

  • New customer sign-ups and customer churn. This also helps you measure the success of your marketing efforts
  • Basic financials, including revenue, and profit
  • Cashflow (how much cash is coming in and how much goes out)
  • Profit ratio (basically how much profit you make for every $1 of revenue. Measured at profit divided by sales for a given period).
  • Customer acquisition costs – how much does it cost you to acquire each new client?
  • How long before you become profitable. See our article on how to calculate your break even point

We Can Help Your Gym Succeed

If you follow the above steps, you’ll be well on your way to starting a successful gym. As with all businesses, continuous evaluation and adaptation are key to long-term success, and engaging a trusted accountant like JD Scott + Co increases your likelihood of success. Contact us today to find out how we can help you. 

In this article, we look at how to start a marketing agency – the right way. 

Starting your own marketing agency can be a rewarding endeavour, but doing it right is crucial to the success of your organisation. With years of experience in helping entrepreneurs start businesses in a variety of industries, we have the knowledge and expertise to guide you through the process.

The First Steps

Here are the first steps you should take when starting your marketing agency:

  • Market research: Who are your competitors? What’s the demand like in your chosen niche? These insights will inform your strategies and help you identify gaps in the market that your agency can fill.
  • Define a niche: If you want a successful marketing agency, standing out is key, and finding a niche is a good way to give you a headstart. Find a specific sector or service you excel at and aim to become the go-to expert in that area.
  • Create a business plan: This is your blueprint for success. Your business plan should outline your mission, vision, target market, competitive landscape, financial projections, and marketing strategies. Download our free business plan template to help you along!

Remember, thorough preparation mitigates future risk, and implementing these first steps when you decide to start a marketing agency can save you from a lot of headaches in the future.

Legal and Financial Preparations

Here are the basic legal and financial preparations you need to consider when starting your marketing agency. 

Chose Your Business Structure

One of the first decisions you’ll need to make on your journey to start a marketing agency is choosing the right business structure. This decision will impact various aspects, including your tax obligations, legal liabilities, and potential for growth. The common structures to consider are:

  • Sole trader: Trading in your personal name. Ideal for those looking to have a simple structure that is cheap to set up but with the risk assuming all legal and financial responsibilities.
  • Partnership: If you’re looking to collaborate with someone, a partnership could be advantageous. However, be prepared for shared legal and financial responsibilities.
  • Company: This structure offers liability protection and a lower tax rate of 25%, , but it comes with more complex tax and legal obligations. Bear in mind that if you choose this structure, you will need a Director Identification Number

Find out more about establishing the right business structure.

If you want to get started easily and cheaply, then you can first set up as a sole trader and then convert to a partnership or company later. Check out our PDF guide on how to convert from a sole trader to a company, including the potential tax issues.

Tax and GST Basics

Tax obligations are an inescapable part of running any business, and when you’re figuring out how to start a marketing agency, understanding tax basics is crucial. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Registering for GST: If your annual revenue is expected to exceed a certain threshold, you’ll need to register for Goods and Services Tax (GST). This involves charging your clients an additional percentage on your services and reporting it to the tax office. Find out more about registering your business
  • Basic tax liabilities: As a business owner, you’ll be responsible for various taxes, such as income tax, corporate tax, and payroll tax for any employees you hire. Learn how to keep up with tax payments
  • Deductions: There are numerous tax deductions available to businesses, like business-related expenses and home office costs. Make sure to take advantage of these to reduce the amount of tax you pay.

Understanding tax and GST is a complex task, and staying on top of it can help avoid any tax or financial troubles in the future.

Finding Your First Clients

Once you’ve taken care of your legal and tax obligations, it’s time to start building your client-base. The best starting place to find your clients is your existing network. Build upon the relationships you already have and don’t be afraid to ask for referrals. Other ideas to build a client base include:  

  • Online marketing: Implement the skills you plan to offer to your clients. Use SEO and digital advertising to make your agency visible to potential clients searching for marketing services. Create a useful tool for potential clients and push it out via social media.
  • Direct Engagement: Use your network of former clients and directly engage or re-engage with them. Even if they have changed roles or firms, it never hurts to reconnect. 
  • Freelance platforms: Websites like Upwork and Freelancer can be good places to start, allowing you to build a portfolio and get testimonials.
  • Offer free work: Although not sustainable in the long term, offering your services for free or at a discounted rate can be a good strategy for building a portfolio and gaining initial reviews.

The ultimate aim is to build a business that’s not just profitable but also sustainable in the long term. And as your trusted financial and business advisor, JD Scott + Co is here to assist you at every turn, ensuring you’re well-prepared for whatever comes next. Contact us today for more information.

FAQs for starting a marketing agency

aInitial costs can vary widely based on the scale and focus of your agency. However, some common expenses include website development, legal fees, software subscriptions, and initial marketing costs. Once you’re established you will need to pay rent for an office (unless operating remotely) as well as staff salaries, which will make up a significant portion of your spending. JD Scott + Co offers comprehensive financial planning to help you map out these initial expenses and create a budget that aligns with your business objectives.

Choosing a niche for your agency can help you stand out. Finding the right one involves understanding market demand, your skill set, and the level of competition. A thorough market analysis can offer valuable insights into what sectors or services have untapped potential. You can also remain as a generalist marketing agency, but finding a niche can help you to stand out. 

Having a physical office can lend credibility, but many successful agencies operate remotely, especially given the flexibility the digital age offers. The choice often depends on your client base, team size, preference, and the kinds of services you offer.

It’s crucial to consult with professionals for tax planning and legal compliance. JD Scott + Co can help you navigate tax requirements, including GST basics, and advise on the business structure that is best for your specific situation.

Effective networking, high-quality service delivery, and client-focused strategies are key. Utilising online marketing techniques like SEO can significantly improve your agency’s visibility. JD Scott + Co’s business advisory services can help you formulate effective client acquisition and retention strategies.

As your agency grows, you may face challenges in team management, service delivery consistency, and financial management. We offer tailored financial solutions and business advice to help you anticipate and mitigate these challenges, ensuring sustainable growth.

Wondering how to start a recruitment agency? Starting a recruitment agency in Australia offers a dynamic and rewarding path, where you become the pivotal connection between skilled professionals and their ideal roles, empowering businesses to thrive with the right talent. This venture is not only about enthusiasm; it requires detailed planning, in-depth industry knowledge, and a keen navigation of Australia’s regulatory and financial landscapes. 

That’s where JD Scott + co steps in, serving as your trusted advisor, ensuring your agency’s financial foundation is as robust and reliable as the services you aim to provide, setting the stage for a successful and impactful business journey. Contact us today to find out how we can help you.

Researching Your Recruitment Agency Idea

Before you dive into the entrepreneurial world of recruitment, it’s essential to understand the landscape you’re entering. Research the current trends in the Australian recruitment industry. Are certain sectors experiencing a shortage of skilled workers? Are there emerging industries where the demand for talent is skyrocketing? Understanding these dynamics will help you identify where the most significant opportunities lie.

Identify the Target Audience

As a recruitment agency, your clients will be twofold: businesses looking for employees and job seekers looking for work. It’s crucial to define who you want to serve. Are you focusing on a particular industry, such as healthcare or tech? Will you specialise in executive placements, or are you aiming to help companies fill more entry-level roles? Knowing your target audience in detail will inform your business strategy and marketing approach. Add comments in here around your current expertise. Do you have a network you can draw upon? If currently employed, do you have a non-compete that would prevent you from using that network?

Conduct a SWOT Analysis

A SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis will provide you with a clear picture of where your agency will stand in the market.

  • Strengths: What will set your agency apart? Perhaps it’s your extensive network within a particular industry or your unique approach to candidate vetting.
  • Weaknesses: Are there areas where you have less experience or resources? Identifying these early on gives you the chance to address them proactively.
  • Opportunities: What are the unmet needs in the recruitment industry that your agency can fulfil.
  • Threats: What external factors, such as economic downturns or strong competition, could pose challenges for your agency?

Conducting this analysis will enable you to create a business plan that is both realistic and strategically focused on your agency’s success.

Leverage Your Current Contact List

When launching a recruitment agency, you’re not starting from scratch; you bring with you your experience, relationships, and reputation. Your existing contact list can be a goldmine for initial business, referrals, and testimonials. 

By focusing on this aspect, you’re essentially hitting the ground running, armed with a network that knows your capabilities and can attest to your expertise. This strategy also dovetails nicely with your broader marketing and relationship-building endeavours.

Creating a Business Plan

A well-crafted business plan is your roadmap to success when starting a business. It outlines your agency’s objectives, strategies for achieving those objectives, and the resources and actions needed to make it all happen. For a recruitment agency, this is particularly important as your operations will involve managing relationships with both employers and job seekers. Not to mention, a solid business plan is essential when seeking financing or investors.

Steps to Creating a Business Plan

  • Executive summary: A concise overview of your agency, summarising your mission, the market demand you aim to meet, and your business structure.
  • Market analysis: A detailed look at the industry landscape, target market, and competition, backed by data.
  • Service offerings: Clear definition of the services you will offer, whether permanent placements, temporary staffing, or executive search, and the industries you will serve.
  • Marketing strategy: Your plan for attracting clients and candidates, including digital marketing, networking strategies, and brand development.
  • Operations plan: How your agency will function day-to-day, including your staffing plans, technology needs, and processes for matching candidates with employers.
  • Financial projections: A realistic forecast of your agency’s revenue and expenses, giving potential investors (and you) a clear picture of your business’s financial potential. Use our projection calculator or read our blog on how much it costs to start your own recruitment firm to find out more.
  • Risk assessment: Identification of potential risks and your strategies for mitigating them.

Registering Your Recruitment Agency

Choosing a Business Structure

Another vital aspect when starting a recruitment agency is choosing a business structure. In Australia, you can operate as a sole trader, a partnership, or a company. Each has its own legal and tax implications. For a recruitment agency, operating as a company is often the most advantageous due to the limited liability it offers and its suitability for scaling the business. Find out more about setting up a company here

How to Register a Business in Australia

  • Choose and Register a Business Name: This is a name under which you will run your agency. It must be unique and not infringe on existing trademarks.
  • Get an Australian Business Number (ABN): An ABN is an 11-digit number that identifies your business to the government and the community. You will need this to register for GST and to invoice clients. 
  • Register for Goods and Services Tax (GST): If your agency is expected to have a turnover of $75,000 or more, you must register for GST. This is a crucial step, as it affects your billing and your tax obligations.

Find out more about when to register your business for GST.

Understanding Tax Basics

In the world of recruitment, fulfilling your tax obligations accurately and on time is essential. Key among these obligations are income tax, which is levied on your agency’s net earnings, and Pay As You Go (PAYG) withholdings, which involve setting aside specific amounts from payments made to employees and other business entities.

Deciphering GST: Registration Timing and Agency Implications

The Goods and Services Tax (GST), a standard 10% tax on most goods and services sold or consumed within Australia, is a significant aspect of your agency’s fiscal landscape. If your annual revenue surpasses the $75,000 threshold, GST registration becomes mandatory. This process entails incorporating GST into the fees you charge for your services and claiming credits for the GST included in your business-related purchases.

Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)

FBT is a tax employers pay on certain benefits they provide to employees, associates, or family members in lieu of, or in addition to, salary or wages. This tax is separate from income tax and is calculated based on the taxable value of the fringe benefits. Examples of such benefits include company cars, paying for an employee’s gym membership, and entertainment like free tickets to concerts.

In Australia, the FBT year runs from April 1 to March 31, and it’s critical to assess and report any fringe benefits provided during this period. You’ll also need to lodge an FBT return and pay any tax owed for the period. Since FBT regulations can be complex and frequently change, consulting with a tax professional is advised to ensure that you’re compliant and making the most of FBT exemptions and reductions where applicable. Find out more about fringe benefits tax

Prioritising Precise and Timely Tax Record-keeping

Maintaining meticulous and up-to-date tax records isn’t merely a legal obligation – it’s a cornerstone of savvy business management. This practice allows you to closely track your business’s pulse, staying on top of your financial statements, income origins, and expenditures. Understanding the numbers involved with your business is invaluable for strategic tax planning and making informed decisions that drive your agency forward. Choosing the right accounting software is another vital aspect for the smooth management of businesses.  

Financing Your Recruitment Agency

Launching a recruitment agency demands an initial investment. From securing a professional space, scaling marketing efforts, to staffing and technological setups, the start-up phase comes with its costs. Here’s a glimpse at your financing avenues:

  • Personal Savings: An option free of interest rates and external stakeholders, but demands a substantial personal financial commitment.
  • Bank Loan: A prevalent approach, typically characterised by lower interest rates, although it necessitates a robust business plan and a commendable credit standing.
  • Investor Partnership: Here, you exchange a portion of your agency’s equity for capital, aligning you with a partner who may influence your business’s direction.
  • Government Support: Australia’s government extends various start-up grants and assistance, which are worth exploring through official channels.

Elevating Cash Flow Management to a Priority

Cash flow isn’t just numbers on a spreadsheet—it’s the heartbeat of your recruitment agency. Effective cash flow management is about vigilance: consistently monitoring the money coming in and out and ensuring there is sufficient liquidity to cover day-to-day operations. This entails routinely analysing your cash flow status and recalibrating your business tactics as needed to stave off financial challenges and sustain your agency’s vitality.

Choosing Your Location

In today’s interconnected world, a recruitment agency’s location isn’t just about a physical address – it’s also about your digital footprint. Whether you opt for a high-street office, a home setup, or a virtual space, each choice presents its own set of opportunities and challenges. Selecting the right location is a strategic decision that can significantly impact your agency’s success. It involves balancing several critical considerations to align with your business goals and client needs.


Will clients and candidates easily reach you? An accessible location can simplify interviews and client meetings, making your agency more appealing to both parties.


Is the location prominent or tucked away? A visible spot can attract walk-in business, while a more discreet location might offer a quieter, focused environment for your team.


Can your finances sustain the rental or purchasing costs? It’s vital to choose a space that aligns with your financial forecast and doesn’t stretch your budget too thin.

Market Proximity

Are you close to the industries you serve? Being situated near your client base can help establish your agency as a local expert and can lead to more organic networking opportunities.

Digital Reach

Is your online platform user-friendly and engaging? In our digital age, a robust online presence is as crucial as your physical location, serving as a virtual storefront that invites potential clients and candidates in.

Building Your Team

Employees or Contractors: A Strategic Decision

Hiring employees means long-term commitment and additional obligations, like superannuation and leave entitlements, you can even consider profit sharing to help retain talent. Engaging contractors offers flexibility but often at a higher immediate cost and with less control over their work. 

Legal Requirements When Hiring

When you’re ready to build your team, compliance is key. This includes:

Promoting Your Recruitment Agency

Building a Brand Identity

Your brand is more than just a logo; it’s the personality and promise of your agency. Crafting a strong, consistent brand identity involves defining your agency’s values, voice, and visual elements, all of which should resonate with your target audience and differentiate you from competitors. It’s this identity that will instil trust and loyalty in your clients and candidates.

Importance of a Website and SEO

In the digital age, your website is your storefront, and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is the path that leads clients and candidates to your door. A clean, user-friendly website showcases your services, while effective SEO strategies ensure that you’re visible and attractive to search engines.

Social Media and Digital Marketing Strategies

Leverage the power of social media platforms to connect with potential clients and candidates. A well-planned digital marketing strategy, encompassing content marketing, social media advertising, and email campaigns, can significantly expand your reach and engagement.

Establishing Your Business Operations

Operational Processes

Efficiency is key in the fast-paced world of recruitment. Establish clear, streamlined processes for tasks such as candidate sourcing, client communication, and financial management. This not only helps your agency run smoothly but also ensures that your team knows what is expected at each stage of the recruitment process.

Importance of Customer Service

In recruitment, relationships are everything. Prioritise customer service to foster long-term partnerships with both clients and candidates. This means responsive communication, transparency, and a genuine commitment to understanding and meeting their needs.

Navigating the Challenges of Starting a Recruitment Agency

Starting a recruitment agency in Australia is an exciting venture, but it’s not without its hurdles. These challenges can range from regulatory compliance and scaling effectively to managing client expectations and staying ahead of industry trends. A proactive approach—anticipating issues, seeking professional advice, and continually adapting—is key to turning these challenges into growth opportunities. Building relationships with mentors or industry peers can also be invaluable, providing support, guidance, and networking opportunities that can help your agency thrive in a competitive marketplace. 


No, Australia does not require a specific licence to operate a recruitment agency. However, you must comply with relevant employment legislation and standards. It’s advisable to consult with a legal professional to ensure that your agency operates within the bounds of the law.

The initial capital required can vary significantly. Costs may include office space, marketing, technology platforms, insurance, and staff salaries. It is essential to prepare a detailed business plan that outlines your startup and operating costs. Find out more about how much it costs to start your own recruitment firm. 

Building a strong digital presence, networking within your industry, and offering exceptional service are key. Consider joining industry associations, attending networking events, and utilising LinkedIn and other social media platforms to connect with potential clients and candidates.

Profit margins can vary, but typically range from 15-50% depending on the sector, level of service, and efficiency of operations. It is important to regularly review your financials and adjust your strategies as needed to maintain a healthy profit margin.

Consulting with a professional, such as a chartered accountant or a solicitor, is essential. They can guide you through the legal and regulatory landscape, helping you to establish processes that ensure your agency remains compliant with Australian laws and standards.

Have additional inquiries? Keep in mind, JD Scott & Co stands ready to assist you throughout your business venture. Don’t hesitate to contact us whenever you need assistance.

When I started the firm, I took a very different approach to hiring a workforce than the traditional model. We always wanted to build a firm that encouraged flexibility in where we worked. We also wanted to attract the highest quality staff who would serve our clients well. Given the shortage of accountants in what I call traditional career paths, we had to look elsewhere. So we looked to hiring a part time workforce.

Keys to success for a part time workforce

There are three keys to succeeding with a part time workforce.

We’re fully in the cloud, allowing us to operate from anywhere, anytime.
Process is critical – we use the right tools to manage our workflow
Communication – everyone hates it when they don’t hear back from their accountant. We make sure everyone understands what’s going on and what the expectations are.

Operating with a staff who work three or four days a week is more than possible. It means that you can tap a huge, highly skilled and highly motivated workforce of dedicated professionals. Once you have the systems in place and make full use of the available technologies, you can achieve anything. We were lucky – we set ourselves up on day 1 to manage a part time workforce. If you’re looking to transition, then the journey may be a little harder, but its well worth the effort.

Thanks to David Cristello and Jetpack Workflow of the oppotunity to discuss how we grew our firm. If you’re interested in finding out more about our firm click here or if you’re looking for a rewards career, then please get in contact.

Jetpack Workflow interview

B Corp certification is a certification that recognizes businesses that meet rigorous social and environmental standards. It is granted by the nonprofit B Lab, which evaluates companies based on their impact on workers, customers, communities, and the environment. In this blog post, we will discuss what B Corp is and how it can help small businesses.

What is B Corp Certification?

B Corp certification is a designation that is awarded to businesses that have met specific standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. The certification process involves a rigorous assessment of a company’s impact on its employees, the environment, and the community. B Corp certification covers five main areas: governance, workers, community, environment, and customers. To earn the certification, a company must score at least 80 out of a possible 200 points.

How Can B Corp Certification Help Small Businesses?

B Corp certification can provide several benefits to small businesses. Here are some of the ways in which B Corp certification can help small businesses:

  1. Stand Out from the Competition: B Corp certification can help small businesses differentiate themselves from their competitors. It is a symbol of a company’s commitment to sustainability, accountability, and transparency. By displaying the B Corp logo, small businesses can show their customers that they are committed to making a positive impact on the environment and the community.
  2. Attract and Retain Customers: Consumers today are becoming increasingly conscious of the impact their purchases have on the environment and the community. B Corp certification can help small businesses attract and retain customers who are looking for sustainable and socially responsible products and services.
  3. Attract and Retain Employees: B Corp certification can also help small businesses attract and retain employees who are looking for a company that aligns with their values. Many employees today are looking for companies that have a positive impact on the environment and the community. B Corp certification can help small businesses attract and retain these employees.
  4. Access to Funding: B Corp certification can help small businesses access funding. Many impact investors are looking for companies that have a positive impact on the environment and the community. B Corp certification can help small businesses attract these investors and secure funding for their business.
  5. Networking Opportunities: B Corp certification can provide small businesses with networking opportunities. B Corp certified companies are part of a global community of like-minded businesses that are committed to making a positive impact on the world. This community can provide small businesses with valuable connections and resources.
  6. Improve Operations: B Corp certification can help small businesses identify areas where they can improve their operations and make a positive impact. The certification process requires businesses to evaluate their impact on their employees, the environment, and the community.
  7. Enhance Reputation: B Corp certification can enhance the reputation of small businesses. The certification is a symbol of the company’s commitment to sustainability, accountability, and transparency. This can help small businesses build trust with their customers, suppliers, and partners.

Our Journey to BCorp Certification

JD Scott + Co started our BCorp journey several months ago. While its a timing consuming and intense process, the results are well worth the effort. Read how we have tackled the BCorp certification journey in this artic`le in The Big Smoke.

In conclusion, B Corp certification is a symbol of a company’s commitment to sustainability, accountability, and transparency. It can provide several benefits to small businesses, including differentiation from competitors, access to funding, networking opportunities, and improved operations. B Corp certification can also help small businesses attract and retain customers and employees who are looking for sustainable and socially responsible products and services. If you are a small business looking to make a positive impact, consider getting B Corp certified.

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